“Marcy Schwab has been recognized as one of the Top Leadership Coaches from America by Coach Foundation.”

We engaged Marcy Schwab to help us with several projects around strategic planning, client engagement and website and video messaging. It was one of the best decisions we have made. Marcy clearly knows her stuff. She demonstrated her deep marketing, business development and team building knowledge, attention to detail, and commitment to excellence when working with our team. Just as important, Marcy made the process fun.
Wanting to get a better sense of what our clients thought about our services and our communication and engagement with them, Marcy conducted in-depth interviews with many of our top clients. Her perceptive questions uncovered several areas of improvement, and her comprehensive after-interview analysis gave us the tools to make those important changes.
As a growing firm, we realized we needed to solidify our vision and mission and develop strategic goals. Through Marcy’s deft leadership, we accomplished in two days what we couldn’t with two other strategic planning coaches. This is an evolutionary process and Marcy continues to help us set goals, reassess, and make adjustments so that our plan remains relevant over time.
Marcy worked closely with us as we developed our new website and video. She helped us to see our firm, our services, our team and our clients through her lens. The result is a view of our firm and our people that is more authentic and transparent – something that we are very proud of. We accomplished what we set out to achieve when we engaged Marcy. But, it’s more than being effective – she made it enjoyable. It was a pleasure to work with someone who is astute, intelligent, perceptive and kind.
Lisa Poff
Director of Communications
Glassman Wealth Services
Marcy is a tremendous coach and an even better person. She played a pivotal role in helping me make a big career change. Her interpersonal skills in connecting with people and recognizing what makes any individual tick is incredible. She constantly challenged me with difficult questions that made me truly reflect on where I was in my career, why I was there, and what I wanted going forward. She led me to being more self-aware of where I was getting in my own way of moving forward, and she forced me out of my comfort zone.
By the end of four sessions, I had a clear sense of what I wanted in my career (as well as what I didn’t want), how to go find it, and how to rediscover the confidence I had lost over time. With her thought-provoking guidance and keen insight, I was able to ultimately make that big move and am incredibly excited about where I am today as a result!
Dan Miller
Director of Strategy & Analysis
Marcy has been coaching me on a wide variety of topics as my role as the president of a fast-growing company has continued to evolve. We’ve worked on leadership styles, marketing, and hiring/termination issues and strategies. Marcy’s advice has been on point and extremely useful to me, allowing me to immediately go back to the office and start implementing what we discussed. Marcy is an excellent listener and helps guide me to the best solutions for my individual situation.
Lora Byala
President and Founder
Four Square Integrated Transportation Planning
Marcy Schwab is an amazing executive coach and individual. I have learned amazing things about myself both personally and professionally while working with Marcy. My leadership style and approach has transformed and as a result I have been able to enhance my relationships with my peers and direct reports. It is not always easy to look in the mirror, but working with Marcy has made that process smooth and enjoyable.
Bellinda Conte
National Director, Health Education
Tenet Healthcare
I highly recommend Inspired Leadership — Marcy Schwab is amazing! She listened effectively, asked all the right questions (the ones I didn’t even know to ask), and summarized my hopes and dreams perfectly. I came out of every meeting with specific direction, feeling capable and confident, and inspired to move forward efficiently and successfully. I was then able to get right to work turning those hopes and dreams into reality. Marcy has a keen insight, expert ability, and natural abilities in the field of executive coaching.
After four short meetings, I had a tangible sense of what I wanted and how to get there. With Marcy’s coaching, I solidified my brand with a logo, developed a professional website, increased my social media presence to include Twitter and Facebook, and combined my lobbying and legal expertise to provide a full continuum of services for my clients in three jurisdictions! Most importantly, thanks to Marcy, I have a strong sense of the big picture too – what makes me specially able to achieve my goals long into the future!
Pam Kondé
President and Founder
Sosne Kondé Policy Solutions
“Marcy Schwab has been recognized as one of the Top Leadership Coaches from America by Coach Foundation.”